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By fjunkSeptember 21, in Affinity on iPad Questions. On a computer, just about any computer, there's a keyboard, a mouse, or if читать статью feeling more adventurous a drawing pad. Then along came the Smartphone, the IPad, and all the rules went out the windows.

Example: Undo. Affijity most computers it's ESC, Ctrl-Z, menu undo, a standardized icon, Del, something, but, once you know what it is and where to find it, it works.

A little deslgner from one software application to the next, but, not much. This isn't just about Affinity. If, from one car to the next, everything you knew about starting a car, changing gears, the gas, the brake moved around, probably almost no one would drive. It shouldn't have to be that hard to do the simple stuff. Why can't it be comparably easy on an IPad? This isn't affinty an application problem, it's an Apple problem.

All I want to do is select an area and fill it. About an hour's worth of fiddling across several programs and heck I'm having trouble figuring out how to share, to import, to export, let alone simply how to select an area and fill within it's borders.

While i share some of your frustration about UI challenges on iPad, Affinity and especially James Ritson did a great job creating all the tutorial videos explaining.

Nobody forces you using an iPad. If you prefer using mouse and keyboard, you can use a laptop. A tablet device like iPad is mainly defined by touch UI later accompanied by pen support. Affihity can even use keyboard commands, modifiers and ipad affinity designer undo free by connecting any compatible Bluetooth keyboard to an iPad. Fee worth a look. IPad Pro Affinity Photo 1. Affinity Designer Help File 1. You're right: " Nobody forces you 3 tube feeder free an iPad.

I'm trying to figure it out so that instead of plugging everything else in, and having to transport it everywhere, not knowing when I might want to, I thought I'd try to figure out how to do things native to ipad affinity designer undo free IPad. Using the Pencil I tried selecting an area, then ipad affinity designer undo free it. Everything I tried failed to contain the selection to the area. So, even if I tried to fill the area, I could never select just the area.

There didn't seem to be a way to contain the fill or drawing to just the selected area. On the desktop, select the area, dssigner the area, two steps that desgner worked.

As I mentioned, 15 seconds tops, done. And, not just the Affinity apps but, any other app: Procreate, Amadine, and others. Not to mention saving files to a specific location, then, having done so, to try to verify having saved to that specific location only to нажмите чтобы перейти find it there.

At this point, the IPad applications are more for the purpose of being able to open files from one source to another. But, editing, modifying, nah, I'll leave that to them what understand it перейти than I do. I'm up to my ears with yet another way to do things. Now whether it's trying to fill the color ipad affinity designer undo free the other ipad affinity designer undo free or the one that's been deleted which brings "Undo" back into the question.

Apparently there's "gestures' and there's "preferences". I tried modifying "preferences. That didn't work. Having selected an area, I said, ok, now "fill" the area. It's like trying to search for a song based on "a few notes" online.

Online doesn't do ipad affinity designer undo free well, if it does. Similar here, here's the area, Fill it. Tain't that simple. Not anything I tried anyways. On the IPad, swing and a miss.

It ought to be easy. I did tech support. There were layers and levels of tech support. If I ran into a problem at my level, I ipad affinity designer undo free it up to the next level. Remotely, I'd hear, "hmmm, I'm not able to recreate that problem. It's working for me. And, I try to seek them out and follow them. As I said, there are standards for desktop applications that are just largely non-existent for the IPad. And trying to replicate desktop performance on an IPad to say it charitably is a mixed bag.

It's not just Affinity here to be clear. IPad needs to establish standards and consistency from one app to the ipad affinity designer undo free. One app, proudly proclaimed our software is "unlike any desigjer you've used". To which I replied, "Great.

I'm not looking for 'unlike any other I've ever used'. Not your best selling point, my opinion. Больше информации settle for a lot more like just about every other software I've used.

As I said, if every car were different from every other car in performing the functions ipad affinity designer undo free take for granted: "Stepping on the gas.

Stepping on the brake. Shifting Gears. Starting the car. There's something to be said for standardization and consistency. I'm not an absolutist on this. I can appreciate different methods and means of ipad affinity designer undo free things done. But, it really shouldn't get in the way desigmer getting things done.

Too much divergence gets in the way rather than ipad affinity designer undo free getting things done. They used to have usability labs for this kind of thing.

Ipad affinity designer undo free that's gone the way of betamax for whatever reasons. There's not a designer, programmer, tech support specialist on site or remote who hasn't heard some variation of ipad affinity designer undo free can't I? I get that it's not necessarily that easy. And, I've been there.

It's the reason why "tech support" will never ever die. Nor will Tylenol ever lose money. Different direction, same point.

Blender, 3d modeling software, ipad affinity designer undo free one example because all 3D product microsoft key free 2013 office publisher may have some components in common, just as with 2D design.

Blender is VERY keyboard intensive. There's keystroke combinations for everything, and addons that add additional variations. At some point, Blender may reach a level of dysfunctionality in trying to be the avfinity army knife of 3d modeling.

Free to be sure, the price is right, and easily customizable. There is such a thing as overkill. How many different ways does one need to be able to perform a common function before one's head explodes from the possibilities? Usability becomes a maze of complexity. Is it not possible to use a bluetooth keyboard with Affinity on the iPad - desivner all the usual shortcut keys?

Besides, even if I have a bluetooth keyboard and mouse I doit's not the same experience as accomplishing the same thing on the desktop. They're not spot on identical. As I recall there are functions and abilities specific to either the desktop or ipad affinity designer undo free IPad due to the nature of the platforms as well as the functions may be there, the layout is different, so, what might be in a specific location on an IPad isn't in the same location on the desktop or vice детальнее на этой странице. The desktop version is designed and optimized for same.

I wasn't expecting as much mental translation from desktop to IPad. I just connected my bluetooth keyboard to it and was able to use it with the shortcut keys - no issues there. Trying to work out how to send files from my PC to my iPad via Buetooth or vice versa on the other hand. I remember years ago trying to work between Windows and Apple, and how much it raised my blood pressure. Ok, so, the obvious question is, have I at least tried it?

Well, took a little extra effort to disconnect the blue tooth from one IPad and connect it to the other. After that, tried simple, select a приведенная ссылка, fill - affinity with affinitg, a lot easier.



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